Gym Life

It starts here.

Our goal is to help inspire a new perspective — not only in your workout life but in your whole life.

We incorporate a wide variety of proven successful training methods into each daily workout. These include: functional movements, plyometrics, high intensity interval training and strength training are just a few of the key element you will find in your program each day.

We want to be the best part of your day!

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Buffalo Gym 2.0

Our Equipment


+ Assault Bikes

+ Barbells

+ Dumbbells

+ GHD Machines


+ Jump Ropes

+ Squat Racks

+ Kettlebells

+ Medicine Balls


+ Plyometric Boxes

+ Row Machines

+ Sand Bags

+ Slam Balls

Join the Buffalo Fam online to keep in touch even when we’re not in the gym.